
Eco-Bricks: building a better world.


As the word says, it’s an ecological brick made from general residues that take longer to disintegrate or never will… The “brick” is an empty plastic bottle filled with non-recyclables like foils, stickers, wrappers, straws, ropes, clothes, cigarette butts, Kinder Eggs toys, you name it! It’s the perfect way to reuse what you cannot recycle, control the amount of plastic that you consume, and a way to be creative with your wastes. 

Here on the island, recycling is still new – started in 2019- and unfortunately, there are no strong local laws that regulate properly single use plastic. And we already know that plastic is a HUGE problem. In all our apartments we have recycling bins for plastic, glass, paper, and others. But as you may know, not all plastics are recyclable; so when our guests separate their residues, we are able to classify it even more in such a way that we can reuse some of them before sending them to the container and/ or put them inside of a bottle to start an Eco-brick.

Priya put together some ecobricks with a wire. This is meant to be used in future constructions.

So, how to make one?

Grab a clean and dry plastic bottle with a lid. We normally use the ones left by our guests, usually 1,5 or 2 liters. The lid is SUPER important because after filling the bottle, you will need to close it.

Add the non-recyclables and push them with a long stick. Continue doing this process until the bottle is full, compact, and weigh around 500 grams. Don’t forget to put the lid on! When you have the proper amount of Eco-bricks, you can start putting them together with a rope or wire. Afterward, you will be able to build many things with them. At the moment we are still filling our Eco-bricks, so we are not able to show you any constructions, YET!


Yup. These are basically single-use plastics but with some additional trash like; cigarettes buts, junk food bags (chips, cookies, etc.), old clothes or fabrics for cleaning (underwear, broken T-shirts, etc.), kitchen sponges, stickers and plastic wraps, and so on.


HIW ecobricks
Put inside of a clean bottle all the non-recyclables as shown in the picture above.
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